• Women's Temple Dresses gerogette-dress
  • Men's Temple Clothes 3010-mens-pants-s

LDS Temple Dresses

One exciting and important aspect of preparing to attend the LDS temple is to shop for your LDS temple clothing—especially your LDS temple dress. A temple dress serves a significant dual purpose. The temple dress is designed to be symbolic of purity and cleanliness. In addition to the purity of color (all temple dresses are white) many temple dresses reflect this purity by showing clean lines and simple design. We provide a variety of temple dress styles that allow you to reflect on the symbolic importance of attending the temple. With elegant style and design, every temple dress also allows you to enjoy the beauty of your dress every time you attend the temple. Perhaps most important is our quality and comfort. A temple dress can be a significant investment. We use only the highest quality products so that your investment in a temple dress will last many years. And of course, comfort! A temple dress has to be as comfortable as it is beautiful. Our temple dresses are designed by and for women to offer exceptional fit and comfort so your can fully enjoy your temple experience. A temple dress is a great way to add beauty, elegance, style, and comfort to one of the most significant experiences in your life.

Built on Apostles and Prophets

As taught in the New Testament, one of the first actions of Christ’s ministry was to call Apostles to help in teaching and spreading the Gospel to the world.  He then established the leadership hierarchy of his Church that included apostles, prophets, bishops, patriarchs, etc.  In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this same organization still exists.  The LDS Church is still lead by apostles and prophets.  Like in olden times, these leaders teach the people the same doctrine that Christ taught attempting to perfect the Saints. 

One goal of prophets and apostles in all times has been to prepare Gods people to go to the temple.  From the time of Adam, the first prophet, all through the scriptures, and into modern days prophets have endeavored to teach the people.  The goal is to bring people closer to Christ and greater happiness.  In LDS Temples we are taught how to be more like God and how to prepare ourselves to eventually enter His presence.  The LDS temple clothes we wear give us an outward symbol of the type of life God lives.  LDS temple dresses and LDS Temple clothing are white to symbolize the purity and cleanliness that exists with God and can be attained through following the teachings of apostles and prophets.

LDS Temples and the Priesthood

One significant aspect of the restoration of the true Church of Jesus Christ, and a major cornerstone to the LDS faith is the priesthood.  Latter-day Saints believe that the priesthood is the power of God given to man on the earth to perform ordinances, such as temple marriage, that are valid both here and in eternity.  This priesthood authority is not bought, won, or campaigned for.  As in the time of Christ, the priesthood is given to those who are called and chosen by God.  This example was set by Christ in New Testament times.  Those who were selected to be Apostles, were not the most earthly prominent people, but rather those that God knew would be most willing to serve and follow him.  Once receiving the priesthood, faithful members are then authorized to perform baptisms, give the gift of the Holy Ghost, bless the sick, and administer in the ordinances of the temple.

LDS Temples also teach the value and doctrines of the priesthood.  LDS temple clothing dates back to the early days of the Church as well as being a part of Biblical ceremonies.  LDS temple dresses and LDS temple clothing help to enhance temple worship and serve as a reminder of temple covenants.  Feel free to browse our LDS Temple Dresses and LDS Temple Clothing to find something that will work great for you.

A View on Temple Marriage

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have faced persecution and have been the object of significant anger based on their beliefs regarding families.  Much of this anger is based on a perception of how the Church responded to the Proposition 8 vote in California.  Latter-day Saints believe that marriage is a sacred covenant between a man, a woman, and God.  It is more than just a social or political bond.  More than a tax filing status, it is a promise to another person that you will live with and for that person and a promise to God that you will honor your spouse by honoring God. Continue reading